Join me this Sunday in Stonington, CT, for THE FRENCH CHEF IN AMERICA
Friends – if you are in the vicinity of Watch Hill, RI, or Stonington, CT, I’ll be presenting “THE FRENCH CHEF IN AMERICA: Julia child’s Second Act” on Sun, 5-6 PM. Hope to see you!
Stonington Free Library: Alex Prud’homme on Julia Child
The Stonington Free Library’s Sunday Night Lecture Series presents Alex Prud’homme who will be speaking on his recent book The French Chef in America: Julia Child’s Second Act. This promises to be a wonderful talk by Julia’s grandnephew, someone who knew her intimately. Julia changed the whole view of food in America. Previously we only knew The Joy of Cooking and Greek Restaurants, and then Julia appeared on the scene. Her books and TV shows revolutionized America’s understanding of cooking. Come hear how she moved from being known as “The French Chef” and began performing as “Julia Child”.
A talk not to miss!